NASA’s Curiosity Rover Detects Largest Organic Molecules on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Detects Largest Organic Molecules on Mars

Researchers analyzing pulverized rock onboard NASA’s Curiosity rover have found the largest organic compounds on the Red Planet to date. The finding, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests prebiotic chemistry may have advanced further on Mars than previously observed. Scientists probed an existing rock sample inside Curiosity’s Sample Analysis … Read more

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures Colorful Clouds Drifting Over Mars – NASA

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Captures Colorful Clouds Drifting Over Mars – NASA

While the Martian clouds may look like the kind seen in Earth’s skies, they include frozen carbon dioxide, or dry ice. Red-and-green-tinted clouds drift through the Martian sky in a new set of images captured by NASA’s Curiosity rover using its Mastcam — its main set of “eyes.” Taken over 16 minutes on Jan. 17 … Read more

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Takes a Last Look at Mysterious Sulfur – NASA

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Takes a Last Look at Mysterious Sulfur – NASA

Use your mouse to explore this 360-degree view of Gediz Vallis channel, a region of Mars that NASA’s Curiosity rover surveyed before heading west to new adventures. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS The rover captured a 360-degree panorama before leaving Gediz Vallis channel, a feature it’s been exploring for the past year. NASA’s Curiosity rover is preparing for the … Read more

Christine Knudson Uses Earthly Experience to Study Martian Geology – NASA

Christine Knudson Uses Earthly Experience to Study Martian Geology – NASA

Geologist Christine Knudson works with the Curiosity rover to explore Mars — from about 250 million miles away. Name: Christine KnudsonTitle: GeologistFormal Job Classification: Research AssistantOrganization: Planetary Environments Laboratory, Science Directorate (Code 699) What do you do and what is most interesting about your role here at Goddard? I am a geologist doing both laboratory … Read more

Here’s How Curiosity’s Sky Crane Changed the Way NASA Explores Mars – NASA

Here’s How Curiosity’s Sky Crane Changed the Way NASA Explores Mars – NASA

Twelve years ago, NASA landed its six-wheeled science lab using a daring new technology that lowers the rover using a robotic jetpack. NASA’s Curiosity rover mission is celebrating a dozen years on the Red Planet, where the six-wheeled scientist continues to make big discoveries as it inches up the foothills of a Martian mountain. Just … Read more

NASA Scientists Gear Up for Solar Storms at Mars – NASA

NASA Scientists Gear Up for Solar Storms at Mars – NASA

The Sun will be at peak activity this year, providing a rare opportunity to study how solar storms and radiation could affect future astronauts on the Red Planet. In the months ahead, two of NASA’s Mars spacecraft will have an unprecedented opportunity to study how solar flares — giant explosions on the Sun’s surface — … Read more

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Clocks 4,000 Days on Mars – NASA

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Clocks 4,000 Days on Mars – NASA

The mission team is making sure the robotic scientist, now in its fourth extended mission, is staying strong, despite wear and tear from its 11-year journey. Four thousand Martian days after setting its wheels in Gale Crater on Aug. 5, 2012, NASA’s Curiosity rover remains busy conducting exciting science. The rover recently drilled its 39th sample then … Read more