Surfing NASA’s Internet of Animals: Satellites Study Ocean Wildlife – NASA

Surfing NASA’s Internet of Animals: Satellites Study Ocean Wildlife – NASA

Anchoring the boat in a sandbar, research scientist Morgan Gilmour steps into the shallows and is immediately surrounded by sharks. The warm waters around the tropical island act as a reef shark nursery, and these baby biters are curious about the newcomer. They zoom close and veer away at the last minute, as Gilmour slowly … Read more

NASA’s Upgraded Hyperwall Offers Improved Data Visualization – NASA

NASA’s Upgraded Hyperwall Offers Improved Data Visualization – NASA

In May, the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) facility, located at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, celebrated the newest generation of its hyperwall system, a wall of LCD screens that display supercomputer-scale visualizations of the very large datasets produced by NASA supercomputers and instruments.  The upgrade is the fourth generation of hyperwall clusters … Read more

NASA Prepares for Air Taxi Passenger Comfort Studies – NASA

NASA Prepares for Air Taxi Passenger Comfort Studies – NASA

A new custom virtual reality flight simulator built by NASA researchers will allow them to explore how passengers experience air taxi rides and collect data that will help designers create new aircraft with passenger comfort in mind. Wayne Ringelberg, a test pilot at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, recently completed a series … Read more

NASA’s ELaNa 43 Prepares for Firefly Aerospace Launch – NASA

NASA’s ELaNa 43 Prepares for Firefly Aerospace Launch – NASA

NASA is readying for the launch of several small satellites to space, built with the help of students, educators, and researchers from across the country, as part of the agency’s CubeSat Launch Initiative. The ELaNa 43 (Educational Launch of Nanosatellites 43) mission includes eight CubeSats flying on Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket for its “Noise of … Read more

NASA Ames Astrogram – May/June 2024 – NASA

NASA Ames Astrogram – May/June 2024 – NASA

by Tara Friesen After ten months in orbit, the Starling spacecraft swarm successfully demonstrated its primary mission’s key objectives, representing significant achievements in the capability of swarm configurations.  Swarms of satellites may one day be used in deep space exploration. An autonomous network of spacecraft could self-navigate, manage scientific experiments, and execute maneuvers to respond to environmental … Read more

Swarming for Success: Starling Completes Primary Mission – NASA

Swarming for Success: Starling Completes Primary Mission – NASA

After ten months in orbit, the Starling spacecraft swarm successfully demonstrated its primary mission’s key objectives, representing significant achievements in the capability of swarm configurations.  Swarms of satellites may one day be used in deep space exploration. An autonomous network of spacecraft could self-navigate, manage scientific experiments, and execute maneuvers to respond to environmental changes … Read more

What is 3D-MAT? – NASA

What is 3D-MAT? – NASA

The 3-Dimensional Multifunctional Ablative Thermal Protection System (3D-MAT) is a thermal protection material developed as a critical component of Orion, NASA’s newest spacecraft built for human deep space missions. It is able to maintain a high level of strength while enduring extreme temperatures during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere at the end of Artemis missions to … Read more

X-59 Passes Milestone

X-59 Passes Milestone

NASA has taken the next step toward verifying the airworthiness for its quiet supersonic X-59 aircraft with the completion of a milestone review that will allow it to progress toward flight.  A Flight Readiness Review board composed of independent experts from across NASA has completed a study of the X-59 project team’s approach to safety … Read more

NASA Research Park Public Documents – NASA

NASA Research Park Public Documents – NASA

NASA Research Park Public Documents – NASA Theodore R. Triano May 02, 2024 Environmental Baseline Survey NASA Research Park Parcel 1 Amendment 91-4A to Administrative Order Administrative Order for Remedial Design and Remedial Action Closure Letter for Underground Storage Tank 57 Uniform Case Closure Letter, Former Underground Storage Tank 58 Consent Decree, United States of … Read more

Researchers Develop ‘Founding Document’ on Synthetic Cell Development – NASA

Researchers Develop ‘Founding Document’ on Synthetic Cell Development – NASA

Cells are the fundamental units of life, forming the variety of all living things on Earth as individual cells and multi-cellular organisms. To better understand how cells perform the essential functions of life, scientists have begun developing synthetic cells – non-living bits of cellular biochemistry wrapped in a membrane that mimic specific biological processes. The … Read more