Apple’s India map provider surges 104% in over 6 months as it rivals Google’s product

Apple’s India map provider surges 104% in over 6 months as it rivals Google’s product

An Indian navigation company’s stock, which was favored by Mark Mobius, has doubled in about six months as its mapping service grows more popular in the country, pitting it against Alphabet Inc.’s Google Maps. Market watchers are now split on whether the rally will continue. Shares of Map my India, formally known as CE Info … Read more

Amazon Alexa can now help you find where to get your dose of vaccine, get tested for Covid-19 – ET HealthWorld

amazon alexa can now help you find where to get your dose of vaccine get tested for covid 19

NEW DELHI: If you have been looking for where to get your dose of Coronavirus vaccine, Amazon Alexa can now help. Amazon has rolled out a new update in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website and MapmyIndia. With the update Amazon’s voice-based smart assistant Alexa can help users find information on … Read more

View: By providing entrepreneurs access to geospatial data, India is sitting on data — and economic — riches


Last month, GoI undertook a radical makeover of the rules governing the acquisition and production of geospatial data. But for a small no-go list, every bit of geospatial data that will capture the geographical location of a street light, home, office, river, road, etc, can now be mapped by anyone — including the private sector. … Read more