Kulur-Baikampady stretch of NH 66 has become death trap, rue citizens

Kulur-Baikampady stretch of NH 66 has become death trap, rue citizens

Concerned citizens allege that about a five km stretch of Kochi-Panvel National Highway 66 between Kulur and Baikampady has almost become a deathtrap for motorists. | Photo Credit: H.S. Manjunath Concerned citizens have alleged that about 5 km stretch of Kochi-Panvel National Highway 66 between Kulur and Baikampady has become a death trap for motorists … Read more

Mangaluru police to involve college students, teachers, non-teaching staff in fight against drug abuse

Mangaluru police to involve college students, teachers, non-teaching staff in fight against drug abuse

City Police Commissioner Kuldeep Kumar R. Jain said teams each having 12 police personnel have been constituted in all 15 police stations under the commissionerate. File | Photo Credit: Anil Kumar Sastry Stepping up the drive against trafficking and consumption of drugs, the city police will shortly initiate a programme to enlighten students, particularly in … Read more