Black Women at Greater Risk for Lymphedema After Breast Cancer Surgery

By Cara MurezHealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Dec. 7, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A condition called lymphedema is a well-known side effect of breast cancer treatment that can lead to swelling in the arms and legs. New research suggests that Black women experience are at more than three times the risk of this painful issue compared to … Read more

Best Exercises to Help Ease Lymphedema

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Did you get lymphedema — swelling and fluid buildup — because of breast cancer or its treatments, or after having lymph nodes taken out? Some simple movements may help. Your mom’s generation might not have known this. Experts used to warn against upper body exercise after breast surgery. But now they know that exercise is … Read more

Breast Cancer Facts Doctors Might Not Tell You

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Florida real estate agent Sondra Burwick learned in 1996 that she had ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in her right breast. DCIS, also called stage 0 cancer, starts and usually stays in the milk ducts. These days, doctors call it pre-cancer and don’t always treat it. But Burwick’s surgeon said she needed a double mastectomy: … Read more