Delhi Covid Unlock: Check what’s open, what’s not from July 26; full guidelines here

Delhi unlock

Delhi Metro and public buses will be allowed to operate with 100 per cent seating capacity from July 26 (Photo: IE) Delhi Covid-19 Unlock: Good news for Delhiites! Delhi Metro and public buses will be allowed to operate with 100 per cent seating capacity from July 26, while in the case of cinemas, theaters and … Read more

Containment zones likely to increase with doubling of COVID-19 tests, further relaxations: Officials

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From August 5 to August 9, the number of fresh COVID-19 cases again stayed above the 1,000-mark, only to come down to 707 on August 10. The number of COVID-19 containment zones in Delhi, which currently stand at 716, may be increased owing to further relaxations under ‘Unlock’ and doubling of coronavirus tests, officials said … Read more