Confidentiality law can’t deprive people from knowing reasons for blocking their tweets or accounts, Twitter tells HC

Confidentiality law can’t deprive people from knowing reasons for blocking their tweets or accounts, Twitter tells HC

Microblogging platform Twitter on Monday argued before the High Court of Karnataka that the reasons recorded by the authorities to block tweets or accounts has to be communicated to the persons and organisations against whom blocking orders are issued. The Rule 16 of the Information Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking for Access of Information … Read more

Knowing How the Brain Reacts to Smells May Help Fight Disease

Knowing How the Brain Reacts to Smells May Help Fight Disease

May 11, 2022 – You know that complicated equations can predict what story pops up in your news feed or which TikTok video you’ll watch next. But you might not know that math can help us understand what happens in the brain when we smell something. Researchers at the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience at … Read more