‘Catch them young’ strategy of the Congress to counter RSS-BJP


The Congress is into war mode with the RSS on ideological front and has started a series of programmes to counter the RSS-BJP ideology and attract youth and children in the age group of 7 to 18 into its fold. The party believes that young talent can be potential party workers and leaders as the … Read more

Kanhaiya Kumar like another Sidhu who would destroy Congress: RJD


Bihar’s main opposition party RJD on Friday mocked Kanhaiya Kumar‘s induction into the Congress, saying that the former JNU student is like “another Navjot Singh Sidhu” who would “destroy” the grand old party. Ridiculing the Congress by calling it a sinking ship, senior RJD leader Shivanand Tiwari said that Kumar’s joining won’t make any difference … Read more

Kanhaiya Kumar joins Left parties stir against agri bills


PATNA: CPI leader Kanhaiya Kumar on Wednesday asserted that the ongoing farmers stir against farm bills was an uprising to save democracy from crony capitalism and deplored attempts to discredit the agitations. Kumar, a former JNU students union president, appealed to people from all walks of life to lend their support to the movement launched … Read more