No request from State govt. to withdraw permission to NLC to mine in Cuddalore: Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi

No request from State govt. to withdraw permission to NLC to mine in Cuddalore: Coal Minister Pralhad Joshi

Union Minister for Coal, Mines and Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi on Monday said the Centre had not received any request from the Tamil Nadu government to withdraw permission to NLC India to start mining operations in Mine III in Cuddalore district. Mr. Joshi also said there was “no proposal to withdraw the proposed Mine III … Read more

India will have record wheat production, must plan for export, says Arun Kumar Joshi

India will have record wheat production, must plan for export, says Arun Kumar Joshi

Photo used for representation purpose only. | Photo Credit: Vijay Soneji Arun Kumar Joshi, managing director, Borlaug Institute of South Asia and the Country Representative of International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) has spent about four decades in researching and developing high-yielding and climate-resilient wheat varieties. With unexpected changes in the global climatic conditions … Read more