MF: Is your investment in a fund worth the risk? Zerodha explains information ratio on returns

MF: Is your investment in a fund worth the risk? Zerodha explains information ratio on returns

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has mandated mutual funds to disclose the Information Ratio (IR) as a new metric for evaluating the risk-adjusted returns (RAR) of equity-oriented schemes. Disclosure of IR, a financial metric used to measure the Risk-adjusted Return (RAR) of a scheme portfolio, will only be applicable to equity-oriented schemes. … Read more

Rate cuts coming? Park your money in longer duration debt funds: Arnav Pandya

Rate cuts coming? Park your money in longer duration debt funds: Arnav Pandya

Arnav Pandya, Founder, Moneyeduschool, says for a longer term, one can slowly start investing into longer duration debt funds because what will happen is that when rates actually come down, these are the ones which will see the highest gains coming into that. So, the question now is when the rates will start getting cut … Read more

Seth Klarman’s 3 key techniques to reduce investment risk – Avoid Losses

Seth Klarman’s 3 key techniques to reduce investment risk – Avoid Losses

Value investing legend Seth Klarman says it’s essential to avoid losses while making investments, as losses are the essence of risk and investors should venture into risky securities only when the risk-reward ratio is clearly in their favour. Source link