Tiruppur youth falls on Vellingiri hills near Coimbatore, succumbs to injuries

Tiruppur youth falls on Vellingiri hills near Coimbatore, succumbs to injuries

B. Veerakumar of Tiruppur, who died after a fall from the Vellingiri hills near Coimbatore while on a trek for a pilgrimage | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement A 31-year-old man from Tiruppur, who suffered injuries after falling from a steep portion of the Vellingiri hills near Coimbatore on April 19, died on Monday, April 22. … Read more

Cracker injuries: Three not likely to regain vision while several others to lose partial vision

Cracker injuries: Three not likely to regain vision while several others to lose partial vision

Over 125 cases of cracker-related injuries have been reported in various hospitals during the Deepavali festivities this year starting Sunday. Two persons under treatment at the State-run Minto Ophthalmic Hospital and one at Narayana Nethralaya are not likely to regain vision in one eye, and nine others have suffered partial vision loss, doctors said. Nearly … Read more

Don’t hesitate or avoid filing FIRs on complaints of serious injuries or death due to bad roads, HC directs police

Don’t hesitate or avoid filing FIRs on complaints of serious injuries or death due to bad roads, HC directs police

A road had caved in at Akshayanagar following rain in Bengaluru on December 10, 2022. | Photo Credit: SUDHAKARA JAIN Taking note of newspaper reports that the police are not registering first information reports (FIRs) on the complaints of serious injuries and death caused due to potholes and bad roads, the High Court of Karnataka … Read more

Logan Mwangi murder: Injuries seen as accident by doctor

Logan Mwangi murder: Injuries seen as accident by doctor

Rocio Cifuentes, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, said the report was harrowing reading, adding: “We cannot allow the death of a child to pass without us asking some fundamental questions of the system that’s there to protect children in Wales, especially when a review raises recommendations we’ve seen before in previous reports.” Source link

16-year-old girl dies in accident, while mother and younger brother sustain injuries in Bengaluru

16-year-old girl dies in accident, while mother and younger brother sustain injuries in Bengaluru

A 16-year-old girl was killed and her mother and younger brother injured, when a BMTC bus knocked down their scooter on Bhattarahalli Road in K.R. Puram on Tuesday morning. Rash driving by the bus driver caused the accident, the traffic police said.  The deceased has been identified as Layashri, a Class X student of Kendriya … Read more

Former players sue FA over brain injuries

Former players sue FA over brain injuries

Nobby Stiles (pictured in 2008) died in October 2020 A group of 30 former footballers and their families are suing football’s governing bodies, claiming they failed to protect them from brain injuries. The Football Associations of England and Wales and the International Football Association Board (Ifab) are accused of “failing to take reasonable action” to … Read more