Facing delays, exporters seek priority shipment for MSMEs

Facing delays, exporters seek priority shipment for MSMEs

New Delhi: Indian exporters have sought priority shipment facilities for local micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) as transhipment of Bangladesh‘s export cargo to third countries through the Delhi Air Cargo complex is causing delays, inflating freight expenses. The Noida Apparel Export Cluster (NAEC), where 80% of the apparel production and export units are MSMEs, … Read more

Exporters boxed in by container crunch as rates rise to $7,000-10,000 in fortnight


Indian exporters across products — from apparel and agricultural commodities to consumer electronics and furniture — are staring at a slump in exports due to a global shortage of containers, and a resultant jump in freight rates, prompting many to seek government intervention. A severe container shortage – triggered by massive congestions at Chinese ports … Read more

Global sugar market waiting for India’s stand on 2020-21 export subsidy


PUNE: Indian exporters as well as buyers in the global sugar market are keenly awaiting India’s export policy announcement, said traders. Even after 20 days into the new sugar year, which started on October 1, India hasn’t signed export contracts as there is no clarity about the export subsidy that was extended in the past … Read more

Indian basmati rice and tea exporters to Iran facing uncertainty


Uncertainty looms over export of basmati rice and tea to Iran as the Central Bank of Iran has slowed down allocation of currency against which Iranian traders were buying these commodities from India. Indian basmati rice exporters said they are not entering into new contract with Iranian importers so as to avoid any payment-related problems. … Read more