India’s FY24 fiscal gap may be slightly better than revised estimates: Official

India’s FY24 fiscal gap may be slightly better than revised estimates: Official

New Delhi: The central government’s fiscal deficit, in absolute terms, could be slightly better than the revised estimates for FY24, on the back of better than expected revenue receipts, an official said. In the interim Budget in February, the government pegged its FY24 fiscal deficit at ₹17.35 lakh crore, against the budget estimate of ₹17.89 … Read more

India’s buzzing economic activity belies fears of a slowdown

India’s buzzing economic activity belies fears of a slowdown

India’s economy picked up speed in December as business conditions improved, marking a rebound for the South Asian nation that had showed signs of a slowdown the preceding month. The needle indicating so-called animal spirits moved right after holding steady for five straight months — indicating stronger overall economic activity as 2022 drew to a … Read more

India’s capex spending is likely to slow on lower tax haul

India’s capex spending is likely to slow on lower tax haul

India’s pace of spending on infrastructure, buildings and other fixed assets will probably slow in the coming fiscal year, a development that could dent the nation’s ability to maintain world-beating growth. To sell itself as an attractive destination for foreign capital, Asia’s third-largest economy has leaned on robust capital spending, increasing its infrastructure budget 39% … Read more