Coronavirus Lockdown 2021 Live News: India reports 40,953 new Covid-19 cases, highest in 4 months; clamour for wider vaccination grows

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Worst-hit Maharashtra on Friday issued new Covid-19 measures as the state reported 25,833 Covid cases—its highest peak recorded on September 11 last year. Mask-up, follow Covid-19 guidelines and take vaccine—these are keys to fight Coronavirus, suggest a study by Lancet. Only vaccine cannot end the Covid-19 pandemic, it added. In a sign of the second … Read more

Coronavirus Lockdown 2021 Live News: As India records nearly 40,000 fresh Covid cases, demand for vaccine for all gets louder

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On Thursday, Maharashtra witnessed 25,833 new Coronavirus infections, the highest single-day spike since last March when the first Covid-19 infection was detected in the state. As India on Thursday recorded its highest increase in daily Covid-19 cases for 2021, demand for vaccine for all gets louder. In a sign of a second wave, several states … Read more

Coronavirus Lockdown 2021 Live News: ‘Second wave’ hits India; PM Modi to chair crucial meet today

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Parliament House

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a crucial meeting with the Chief Ministers to discuss the coronavirus situation. (PTI photo) Coronavirus Lockdown 2021 in India Live Updates: From Bhopal to Surat, from Pune to Hyderabad, Covid lockdowns, night curfews and other restrictions have returned in cities across India due to what every health expert was … Read more

COVID-19: Enemy is down but not out, cautions CCMB director Rakesh Mishra

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‘It will be suicidal if we say the risk is less,’ says CCMB director Rakesh Mishra. (Reuters file photo) If you are finding more people seeming careless and confused about COVID-19, you probably are not alone. Despite experts pointing out repeatedly that masks and social distancing are the only hope at the moment, many, it … Read more

How election experience can help India in carrying out mega Coronavirus vaccine plan

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In India, due to the sub-tropical environment, cold storage and availability of syringes, etc would be the main factors for the success of the corona vaccination plan. (PTI Photo) India, the largest democracy in the world, has been conducting elections since 1951. From the Lok Sabha polls to Panchayat elections, these mega exercises have helped … Read more

Covid infections growing most in states that tested too little

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In the case of India, since the initial levels of testing were low, infection levels spread faster once the levels of testing were raised. (Reuters file image) The story of low testing levels leading to higher infection levels over time becomes even more evident when you look at individual states or cities, and even countries. … Read more

India’s COVID-19 tally crosses 41-lakh mark with record single-day spike of 90,636 new Coronavirus cases

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The spread of the disease has already reached every part of the country and a rise in the number of cases is being reported even from the rural areas and smaller towns of the country. In a worrying sign, India recorded a total of 90,636 new cases of Coronavirus in the past 24 hours, taking … Read more

COVID-19: India crosses 3 million cases

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At the current pace, India will overtake Brazil in just over a fortnight as it crosses the 4-million infection mark. (Reuters file image) India already tops the world in terms of daily cases and, on Sunday, it became the third country to cross the three-million mark. An analysis of data shows that India now accounts … Read more