European Union to Sanction Belarus Officials for Opposition Crackdown


BERLIN—European Union foreign ministers agreed to impose sanctions on senior Belarusian officials in response to what the EU called violent repression against peaceful protesters and opposition figures by the country’s autocratic regime. The EU in coming days will draft a list of roughly 20 officials to face sanctions and the roster will be extended if … Read more

LGBT Rights Are Flashpoint in Culture War Dividing Europe’s East and West


TUCHÓW, Poland—Last year, this small Polish town near the eastern edge of the European Union passed a resolution proclaiming itself a “municipality free of LGBT ideology.” Last month, the EU responded by stripping funding for a program connecting Tuchów with a sister city in France. For EU authorities, Tuchów had violated a fundamental right not … Read more

US accuses Chinese hackers of targeting firms developing coronavirus vaccine research


WASHINGTON: Hackers working with the Chinese government targeted firms developing vaccines for the coronavirus and stole hundreds of millions of dollars worth of intellectual property and trade secrets from companies across the world, the Justice Department said Tuesday as it announced criminal charges. The indictment does not accuse the two Chinese defendants of actually obtaining … Read more