Horror Lover? How Genetics Make Some Fans of Fear

wbz nightmares in adults

Oct. 8, 2021 — Getting scared is a completely normal reaction, especially when you watch horror movies or walk down an alley alone in the dark. There is a reason why you feel fear almost as if it’s physical. Genetically, our DNA is wired in a way that some people love the things that scream … Read more

Dalit lives matter? How Hathras horror may change Bihar election narrative

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In 1977, several Dalits had been killed by upper-caste landowners in Bihar’s Belchi village. Out of power, Indira Gandhi sensed a political moment. She travelled by train, jeep and tractor before settling for an elephant ride to negotiate muddy and water-logged tracks amid heavy rain. Her address to the community proved to be a game … Read more

Hathras horror: Do Dalit lives matter? Will there be change on the ground? 

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The Hathras incident and its aftermath have triggered some burning questions. Do Dalit lives matter? What’s it that the Yogi government is trying to hide? Will there be change on the ground? On India Today TV Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai’s show News Today at 9, political leaders and Dalit activists answer these and more such … Read more