A Human Response to Homelessness

A Human Response to Homelessness

You may see them on your drive to work, while walking your dog at the park, or at intersections with crumpled signs requesting help. They are people without homes, sometimes even without shelter for the night. There are more than half a million people homeless in the U.S. in any 12-month period, and almost 200,000 … Read more

Covid: Homeless left struggling for shelter

Covid: Homeless left struggling for shelter

Winter support for rough sleepers has been cut due to Covid guidelines, the BBC has heard, as charities warn many people have nowhere to stay. Thousands have been found homes since the start of the pandemic, following the government’s ‘Everyone In’ campaign. But the charity, Shelter, says councils are now denying people accommodation who aren’t … Read more

Homeless Shelters Grapple With COVID Safety as Cold Creeps In

Homeless Shelters Grapple With COVID Safety as Cold Creeps In

By Giles Bruce Monday, November 16, 2020 (Kaiser News) — CHICAGO — Ben Barnes has slept in abandoned buildings, hallways and alleys. For the past year or so, he’s been staying at the city’s largest homeless shelter, Pacific Garden Mission, in the shadows of the famous skyline. “I’ve always considered myself … Read more

Homeless Get Help Through Innovative Businesses

Homeless Get Help Through Innovative Businesses

Ron Hooks, executive director of West Coast Care in Santa Monica, CA, spends his days driving a utility vehicle up and down the beach. More than half of the city’s homeless residents sleep there. Hooks stops and talks to as many of them as he can. Better known as Pastor Ron, he tells each … Read more

Kristen Bell: Advocate for the Homeless

Kristen Bell: Advocate for the Homeless

Last March, when the extent of the coronavirus pandemic was just beginning to sink in as schools and businesses across the nation started to close, actor Kristen Bell learned that the government in Italy — already devastated by the virus — had just declared a moratorium on mortgage payments to help its citizens cope with … Read more