‘Game changer’ AI detects hidden heart attack risk, say scientists
BBC The AI model analyses CT scans to identify patients at risk of a heart attack within the next 10 years Technology that identifies people at risk of a heart attack in the next 10 years has been hailed as “game changing” by scientists. The artificial intelligence (AI) model detects inflammation in the heart that … Read more
The NHS hidden waiting lists terrifying patients
Patients are facing delays for ongoing cancer care, heart check-ups and eye treatment in England. Source link
Hidden high blood pressure in young people revealed
Some 170,000 16 to 24-year-olds in England may have the undiagnosed condition which can affect the heart. Source link
More people could have hidden bowel condition
Prof Chris Probert, at the University of Liverpool, said: “It is not clear why cases of the condition are on the increase, but it is likely to be due to a mixture of increased awareness of symptoms leading to more diagnoses, and environmental factors. Source link
New Genetic Test Finds Hidden Neurological Diseases
March 17, 2022 — Diseases that affect the nervous system can be some of the most difficult conditions for doctors to diagnose. Many conditions can cause similar symptoms, but two people with the same condition could have different symptoms, which can make the cause of the symptoms hard to pinpoint. Delays in diagnosing the condition … Read more
Long Covid: Hidden lung damage spotted on scans
The study’s co-chief investigator, Prof Fergus Gleeson, said: “There are now important questions to answer, such as, how many patients with long Covid will have abnormal scans, the significance of the abnormality we’ve detected, the cause of the abnormality, and its longer-term consequences. Source link
Hidden pandemic of antibiotic-resistant infections, health officials warn
Antibiotics should be taken only when really needed – and not for coughs, colds or sore throats. Source link
The Hidden Costs of School Shootings
She can’t recall if she had nightmares, she says. Rather, she had a vivid image that she knows wasn’t a true memory, “but it’s like a representation of how I felt.” In reality, the choir kids had been sitting cross-legged on top of each other to stay away from the office door. “But in … Read more
Dogs Get Jealous, Too, Even for Hidden Rivals
April 16, 2021 — Sure, your pooch loves you and you love them. But do dogs also exhibit some of the negative side effects of deep love, such as jealousy? A study published in Psychological Science says yes. The researchers found that dogs will go so far as to show jealousy even when they can … Read more