Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids: Good News, With Some Complications

Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids: Good News, With Some Complications

Cough syrup, aspirin, toilet paper…and hearing aids. That may be some consumers’ drugstore shopping list this fall, thanks to a new FDA rule making some hearing aids available without a prescription in pharmacies, electronics stores such as Best Buy and online. Is that good news or bad news for the 38 million American adults estimated … Read more

Hearing Aids Available in October Without a Prescription

Hearing Aids Available in October Without a Prescription

Aug. 16, 2022 – People dealing with hearing loss will be able to buy hearing aids without a doctor’s prescription as soon as mid-October. The White House announced today that the FDA will move forward with plans to make hearing aids available over the counter in pharmacies, other retail locations, and online. This major milestone … Read more

Protect Your Hearing from Fireworks This Fourth of July

Protect Your Hearing from Fireworks This Fourth of July

June 29, 2022 – Kendall Johnson, of Sioux Falls, SD, was a teenager when he had surgery to try to restore his hearing. While he and his friends lighted up fireworks on the Fourth of July one summer, one exploded right in front of his face. Johnson says he lost nearly all his hearing that … Read more

FDA Proposes New Rule for Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are small, electronic devices that amplify sound. While they can’t restore normal hearing, hearing aids can help you hear better by making certain sounds louder in both quiet and noisy situations. Hearing aids come in several styles that fit in or on your ear in different ways, including “behind the ear,” “in the … Read more

Lockdown Could Worsen Hearing Woes for Seniors

By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Sept. 29, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Isolation due to the pandemic and failure to get hearing aids checked has fueled anxiety, depression and more hearing loss for many seniors. “This has been a very difficult time as senior facilities and individuals try to balance poor health outcomes … Read more