Revolutionizing Healthcare Industry: Early screening & risk assessment through breakthrough technologies

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All the medical institutions and doctors like us are adopting these technologies to help our patients so that they can get on the way to a speedy recovery. By Dr Banshi Saboo, Over the last two or three decades, some inventions have changed the future of the healthcare industry. With the advancement in technologies such … Read more

World Health Day: Challenges to healthcare during Covid times

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The healthcare industry probably took the brunt of the Covid 19 pandemic in many ways. By Dr Sudarshan Ballal, 2020 has been a devastating year for all of us in the healthcare industry and the society in general. The healthcare industry probably took the brunt of the Covid 19 pandemic in many ways. The sheer … Read more

How analysis empowered by data is driving Covid predictions in India and worldwide

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For instance, healthcare sectors can create a plan to organize more beds or other medical resources if there is a surge hospital in COVID-19 cases. Dr Kanav Kahol,  The world failed to prevent the Novel Coronavirus from spreading initially, which turned into a fatal pandemic. Henceforth, quick strategies became crucial to getting rid of the … Read more