Can you be denied health insurance cover for pollution induced hospitalisation?

Can you be denied health insurance cover for pollution induced hospitalisation?

Pankaj Vashishtha, CEO & Co-Founder, Policy Ensure, says “group mediclaims are generally taken by the companies which are taken for their employees where normally, a sum insured is very less for each employee depending on what is the kind of role it is there and kind of a designation it is there. So, it is … Read more

SBI General Insurance ties up with Mahindra Insurance to make deeper inroads into tier-2, 3 cities


SBI General Insurance has partnered with Mahindra Insurance Brokers Ltd (MIBL) to raise its penetration in tier-II and III cities. This association will enable the company to provide health insurance cover to a significant number of people in tier-II and III cities and generate employment, SBI General Insurance said in a release on Wednesday. Under … Read more