Microsoft closes on $16 billion acquisition of Nuance – ET HealthWorld

Microsoft closes on  billion acquisition of Nuance – ET HealthWorld

New York: Microsoft has closed on its approximately $16 billion acquisition of speech recognition company Nuance. The deal, which was announced last year, helps Microsoft get more entrenched into hospitals and the health care industry through Nuance’s widely used medical dictation and transcription tools. Nuance Communications Inc. has been a pioneer in voice-based artificial intelligence … Read more

Does an Air Purifier Remove Smoke And Odor?

You or anyone around you smoke Cigars, Cigarettes, Marijuana or you have any other type of smoke &/or toxins around you that you need an Air Purifier for? Let me start off by saying that second hand and even third-hand smoke are not good for our health and if you have little ones in the house … Read more