Wheelchairs and weight: ‘I haven’t been able to weigh myself for 22 years’

Wheelchairs and weight: ‘I haven’t been able to weigh myself for 22 years’

It’s not just in medical settings. Over the past 13 years and after serving 100,000 customers, Ability Superstore, which calls itself the “home of mobility aids” in the UK, said it had never been asked for accessible scales. It believes that comes down to cost – with accessible versions often retailing for hundreds of pounds. … Read more

Diets Haven’t Improved Much Worldwide; U.S. Near Bottom of List

Diets Haven’t Improved Much Worldwide; U.S. Near Bottom of List

MONDAY, Sept. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Despite everything people have learned about good nutrition, folks around the world aren’t eating much healthier than they were three decades ago, a new global review has concluded. Diets are still closer to a poor score of zero — with loads of sugar and processed meats … Read more

Haven’t Had COVID Yet? Wanna Bet?

Haven’t Had COVID Yet? Wanna Bet?

CDC: “COVID Data Tracker.” The White House: “Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha.” Center for infectious Disease Research and Policy: “CDC: 58% of Americans have had COVID-19.” Stephen Kissler, PhD, infectious disease researcher, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston. Amesh Adalja, infectious disease specialist, Johns … Read more

‘Some patients haven’t eaten for days’

‘Some patients haven’t eaten for days’

The British Dietetic Association say they are concerned about a rise in mental health patients across the UK going without food during the Covid-19 crisis. With specialist dietitians seeing an increase in patients arriving at hospital malnourished, there are calls for mental health assessments to include questions about people’s access to food. The BBC followed … Read more