Can You Guess Your Baby’s Sex?

Can You Guess Your Baby’s Sex?

When you’re pregnant, chances are you’ll hear things like this – sometimes from total strangers: “You’re carrying low. You must be having a boy.” Or: “If you have morning sickness all day, it’s definitely a girl.” There are even  odder myths for predicting the baby’s sex. One suggests that hanging a wedding ring from a strand of … Read more

Fashion accessories are becoming the favourites of the new age consumer: Manoj Kumar Nair, CEO, Gaurik Lifestyle


According to a Unicommerce Report, the online fashion industry has grown 51% in this financial year. With the onset of the pandemic, when most of the retail went online and the trends became more suited to incorporate a comfortable WFH lifestyle, brands signed up for a learning curve. GUESS, the global fashion brand with a … Read more