California approves roadmap for carbon neutrality by 2045

California approves roadmap for carbon neutrality by 2045

California air regulators voted unanimously on Thursday to approve an ambitious plan to drastically cut reliance on fossil fuels by changing practices in the energy, transportation and agriculture sectors, but critics say it doesn’t go far enough to combat climate change. The plan sets out to achieve so-called carbon neutrality by 2045, meaning the state … Read more

Explained | What are carbon markets and how do they operate? 

Explained | What are carbon markets and how do they operate? 

The story so far: The Parliament passed the Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill, 2022 on Monday, December 12, declining the Opposition’s demands to send it for scrutiny to a parliamentary committee and amid concerns expressed by members over carbon markets. The Bill amends the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, to empower the Government to establish carbon markets … Read more

COP27: Cities with net zero promises falling short on tracking: Report

COP27: Cities with net zero promises falling short on tracking: Report

More than half of cities with pledges to reach net zero emissions have no plan for how they’ll track and report progress, an analysis published Tuesday said. The assessment, conducted by the research consortium Net Zero Tracker, adds to growing concern that non-state actors, including companies and cities, are using net-zero commitments to mislead or … Read more

At COP27 climate talks, slow progress stokes worry over final deal

At COP27 climate talks, slow progress stokes worry over final deal

One week into this year’s U.N. climate summit in Egypt, frustrations were starting to flare as negotiators worried about resolving myriad details in time for a deal by the summit’s scheduled close on Friday. With a long list of demands for COP27, country delegates said on Sunday there had been little progress so far on … Read more

World in ‘wrong direction’ as climate impacts worsen: UN

World in ‘wrong direction’ as climate impacts worsen: UN

Humanity is “going in the wrong direction” on climate change due to its addiction to fossil fuels, the UN said Tuesday in an assessment showing that planet-warming emissions are higher than before the pandemic. The UN’s World Meteorological Organization and its Environment Programme warned catastrophes will become commonplace should the world economy fail to decarbonise … Read more

Arctic heating up four times faster than global warming: Study

Arctic heating up four times faster than global warming: Study

The Arctic is heating up more than four times faster than the rate of global warming, according to a new analysis of observed temperatures.The trend has stepped upward steeply twice in the last 50 years, a finding missed by all but four of 39 climate models, the researchers said. The study does not pinpoint a … Read more

Can climate crisis cause humans to shrink? Expert says mammals could evolve to survive

Can climate crisis cause humans to shrink? Expert says mammals could evolve to survive

The impact of a warming planet will no longer be limited to sea-level rises, biodiversity loss, or increased risks of disease. The ongoing climate crisis could lead to humans shrinking in size, a palaeontologist has warned. The expert said humans might begin to evolve to adapt to rising global temperatures since mammals with smaller frames … Read more

International mechanisms are fundamentally broken: Author Amitav Ghosh

International mechanisms are fundamentally broken: Author Amitav Ghosh

Author Amitav Ghosh takes forward the conversation on colonialism & climate change in his new book, The Living Mountain. In an interview with Sunday FE, he talks of how he visualises a reset of the planet. Edited excerpts: “If there is one thing that became very clear at the latest Cop 26 in Glasgow is … Read more

Global Warming Could Mean Less Sleep for Billions

Global Warming Could Mean Less Sleep for Billions

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, May 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Anyone who’s tried to sleep on a hot summer night knows how hard it is to nod off when the mercury is rising. So it’s no surprise that global warming is likely to cost people more and more shut-eye as temperatures around the … Read more

Heat waves, floods and heavy rain: India battling climate change and it is getting worse, warn experts

Heat waves, floods and heavy rain: India battling climate change and it is getting worse, warn experts

The spectre of climate change is here to stay and even worsen, say climate scientists as searing winds blow across swathes of north India, including New Delhi where temperatures have crossed 49 degrees Celsius, and flash floods ravage parts of the northeast. A day after two weather stations in Delhi saw temperatures of more than … Read more