Scared of nasal/throat swabs? CSIR-NEERI’s saline gargle sampling can revolutionise RT-PCR Covid testing in India

Scared of nasal/throat swabs? CSIR-NEERI’s saline gargle sampling can revolutionise RT-PCR Covid testing in India

A man gives swab sample for COVID-19 test at RML hospital in Lucknow. (PTI Photo) At a time when experts across India are trying to find ways to chalk up a robust plan to battle the inevitable third wave of the novel coronavirus, a newly approved technique can transform the way people are tested for … Read more

‘Gargle’ every day to keep throat infection away

‘Gargle’ every day to keep throat infection away

A gargle containing Povidone Iodine is powerful as it has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, consequently giving quick relief from throat pain and discomfort. By Dr. Usha Chennuru During the pandemic, individuals must follow the necessary guidelines and safety protocols listed by the government, to contain the spread of the virus. Precautionary measures are essential … Read more