Scientists develop ultra-thin heteroprotein films, applications can revolutionise food packaging

Scientists develop ultra-thin heteroprotein films, applications can revolutionise food packaging

Scientists have developed ultra-thin heteroprotein films that can revolutionise the food packaging and biomedical industries. The films have excellent thermal, mechanical, and pH stability that pave the way for expanding its applications. These films are thinner compared to other plastic- or protein-based films. These are also softer and more flexible. Several modifications of protein films … Read more

Here’s what your dining experience will look like in a post COVID-19 world

Here’s what your dining experience will look like in a post COVID-19 world

Having to sanitize hands, wear masks, temperature checks before getting seated will be a new experience for diners. (Reuters Photo) By Chandni Kohli Dhall Restaurants are a place where life’s landmark events are celebrated and are usually a hub for socializing. But the HoReCa industry is now on the cliff of oblivion. The onset of … Read more

COVID-19 transmission: Is food packaging spreading Coronavirus infection? Here’s what WHO said

COVID-19 transmission: Is food packaging spreading Coronavirus infection? Here’s what WHO said

WHO stepped in and made a statement to ease the fear in the minds of people. Coronavirus transmission: Among rising concerns of Coronavirus transmission via food packaging, the danger has been downplayed by the World Health Organization and people are urged to not be afraid of the virus entering the food chain. It is to … Read more