When you are on vacation without a moment to relax

When you are on vacation without a moment to relax

‘In reality, vacations are anything but unoccupied.’ | Photo Credit: Illustrated by Allen Shaw My sister has been invited to a destination wedding in Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. The programme seemed eminently bucketlist-worthy. The hosts had planned excursions to see the famous waterfalls and go on safaris. Then much to her dismay, my sister realised … Read more

How rule-based strategies can help you from FOMO, revenge trading

How rule-based strategies can help you from FOMO, revenge trading

In the realm of stock market trading, every aspect of the process, including determining when to buy or sell an asset, placing new orders, closing positions, and liquidating holdings, is under your control. All trading decisions are made by you, relying on the information at hand and your own discretion. However, here lies a notable … Read more

From FOMO to JOMO: Embracing the joy of missing out

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Holiday plans, restaurant visits, electronic purchases, hashtags and trends followed. The lockdown has pressed the reset button in many people’s lives. The stressors and pressures of daily life, including the never-ending rat race, the need to keep up with peers or please everyone, have come to a standstill. Maybe it’s time now to banish the … Read more