Voters bemoan nasty first debate as they say it won’t change their minds

Voters bemoan nasty first debate as they say it won’t change their minds

Donald Trump and Joe Biden debated. Americans cringed. After the presidential candidates put on one of the noisiest, most chaotic debates in recent memory, voters across the country struggled for words – printable words – to describe the display. Many went first to profanities. Others landed on more polite, but still biting, terms for the … Read more

Insults and interruptions mar first Donald Trump-Joe Biden debate

Insults and interruptions mar first Donald Trump-Joe Biden debate

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden hurled insults and repeatedly interrupted each other in their first debate on Tuesday, sparring over topics that included the coronavirus, the economy and their families as moderator Chris Wallace tried mostly in vain to control the conversation. The chaotic debate left commentators across cable television stunned … Read more

Donald Trump, Joe Biden head into first debate with presidency on the line

Donald Trump, Joe Biden head into first debate with presidency on the line

CLEVELAND: There’ll be no handshake, but venom to spare when President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden meet in Cleveland on Tuesday for the first of three televised debates that could shake up an already volatile race for the White House. Covid-19 restrictions will give the debate moderated by Fox News star Chris Wallace a … Read more