No singing, touching of idols: Centre’s SOP for curbing Covid-19 outbreak during festivals | 10 points

No singing, touching of idols: Centre’s SOP for curbing Covid-19 outbreak during festivals | 10 points

The Union health ministry on Tuesday issued the standard operating procedure (SOP) to contain the spread of Covid-19 during the celebration of upcoming festivities. Releasing the ‘Standard Operating Procedures’, the ministry said that the period from October to December witnesses large gatherings for religious worship, fairs, cultural functions, processions, etc, and it is important that … Read more

Venice Hopes Its Film Festival Can Help Kick-Start a Coronavirus Recovery

Venice Hopes Its Film Festival Can Help Kick-Start a Coronavirus Recovery

VENICE—Organizing the Venice International Film Festival, one of the few major cultural events in Europe taking place despite the coronavirus, has been a daily test of Roberto Cicutto’s nerves. The head of the cultural institution that stages the festival, which runs from Sept. 2-12, feared that resurgent infections could force the event’s cancellation at any time, … Read more