India’s overseas debt rises modestly to $627 billion as of end June

India’s overseas debt rises modestly to $627 billion as of end June

India’s external debt rose modestly by 2.7 percent to $629 billion as of end June over the same period a year ago as NRI deposits picked up, with other major components almost remaining flat over the period according to the preliminary numbers released by the Reserve Bank. NRI deposits as reflected in debt from “Deposit-taking … Read more

Centre’s debt profile safe and prudent; external debt-to-GDP ratio eases: Finance Ministry

Centre’s debt profile safe and prudent; external debt-to-GDP ratio eases: Finance Ministry

The Central government’s debt profile remains safe and the share of its external debt in the country’s gross domestic product dropped to 2.7% in FY23 from 3.3% in FY14 at the current exchange rate, the finance ministry told the Lok Sabha on Monday. In a written reply, minister of state for finance Pankaj Chaudhary said: … Read more

Sri Lanka unveils domestic debt restructuring plan, asks foreign investors for a 30% haircut

Sri Lanka unveils domestic debt restructuring plan, asks foreign investors for a 30% haircut

Sri Lanka announced a restructuring plan for its massive domestic debt on Thursday to meet targets set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and aim to turn around its economy, which has been hammered by a financial crisis. The island nation is asking foreign investors in its international sovereign bonds to take a 30% haircut … Read more