EU plans 300 billion euros in development aid to rival China


The European Commission announced Wednesday a plan to mobilise 300 billion euros ($340 billion) in public and private infrastructure investment around the world, a move seen as a response to China’s Belt and Road strategy. “Global Gateway will aim at mobilising investments of up to 300 billion euros between 2021 and 2027… bringing together resources … Read more

Nirmala Sitharaman holds meeting with UK Foreign Secy, discussed ways to enhance biz ties


Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday held a meeting with UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and discussed various areas in which both countries can cooperate with each other. Both leaders discussed investments in green energy, infrastructure, National Monetization Pipeline, FinTech and IFSCA as key areas for further collaboration between the UK and India. “Finance Minister … Read more

In a world’s first, EU plans universal charging port for all mobile phones


The EU aims to have a common charging port for mobile phones, tablets and headphones under a European Commission proposal presented on Thursday in a world first, with the move impacting iPhone maker Apple more than its rivals. The move has been more than 10 years in the making, with the European Union executive touting … Read more

EU vows a firm response as Brexit tensions rise anew


Top European Union officials vowed Thursday to use all measures available to ensure that the United Kingdom respects the terms of its Brexit agreement with the bloc as tensions rise over trade involving Northern Ireland. “It is paramount to implement what we have decided. This is a question of rule of law,” European Council President … Read more

EU asks for big penalties against AstraZeneca over dose delays


The European Union on Wednesday asked a Belgian court to impose penalties running to millions of euros per day on for Covid-19 vaccine doses it has failed to deliver to the bloc. The request came as EU countries and their executive, the European Commission, began legal action against the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company for “flagrant violation” … Read more

In Denmark, Syrian families fear being sent home


Sabriya al-Fayyad is terrified of what the Syrian regime will do to her family if Denmark sends them — like hundreds of other Syrians — back to Damascus. “I’m scared of returning to Syria, of this regime that killed my husband and his brother,” she tells AFP. At the end of March, al-Fayyad and her … Read more

EU puts investment pact with China on backburner ahead of May 8 India Summit


The European Union in a pathbreaking move has put in cold storage its investment pact with China, ahead of the summit with India on May 8 when negotiations for a free trade pact with India are likely to be revived. Top EU officials Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel, as well as German chancellor … Read more

Boris Johnson: From Brexit hero to ‘vacuum of integrity’


Boris Johnson has faced unprecedented pressure from Brexit and the coronavirus outbreak since he became British prime minister in 2019. But he is again under scrutiny about revelations of lavish spending on his official apartment. Questions about who paid for the Downing Street refurbishment have focused opposition attacks on the Conservative prime minister’s long history … Read more

HODL your horses, cryptos face possible hurdles ahead, experts say


Evolving rules, environmental concerns and competition from central banks threaten to undermine many of the world’s fast-growing crypto assets, crypto and macro experts said, while creating opportunities for those able to adapt. Europe and the United States are both working on regulating digital assets and their providers – moves welcomed by investors, who hope the … Read more

EU to borrow around 150 billion euros annually for recovery fund


The European Commission plans to borrow around 150 billion euros annually until 2026 to finance the bloc’s unprecedented plan to make its economy greener and more digitalised, making it the biggest issuer in euros, a document from the Commission showed. The financing for the EU economic plan, agreed at 750 billion euros in 2018 prices, … Read more