Small & mid-cap funds: Which investment strategies can help you maximise returns during market selloff

Small & mid-cap funds: Which investment strategies can help you maximise returns during market selloff

Recently, there has been a lot of attention paid to mid- and small-cap funds. Veteran fund manager S. Naren’s remarks have sparked a significant discussion on SIPs, particularly with regards to short-term investments in small and midcap funds. Many average investors see these funds as a great way to balance risk and return on their … Read more

I want to return to India from the US. How and where all should I invest once I am back?  

I want to return to India from the US. How and where all should I invest once I am back?  

After careful consideration, I have made the decision to return to India from the US as my father is unwell. At 33 years old, I have approximately 10 crores post taxes in the US that I plan to bring back to India. I am considering splitting the funds in an 80-20 or 70-30 ratio and … Read more

I’m 31, and living in a rental house. How can I build a Rs 40,000 monthly income by 45 through mutual funds investing?

I’m 31, and living in a rental house. How can I build a Rs 40,000 monthly income by 45 through mutual funds investing?

Would appreciate your guidance on my SIP. Here are the details of my current SIP contributions. I am 31 years old, debt-free, and living in a rental house. I’m not interested in purchasing an expensive home. My main goal is to secure at least ₹40,000 per month after I turn 45 or 50. Could you … Read more

NPS Vatsalya vs mutual funds: Can long lock-in period in schemes be a deterrent for investment?

NPS Vatsalya vs mutual funds: Can long lock-in period in schemes be a deterrent for investment?

NPS Vatsalya vs mutual funds: The NPS Vatsalya scheme was floated earlier this week, which is one-of-a-kind scheme where parents can start saving for their minor children much before they enter into their adult life. The NPS Vatsalya is a long-term pension scheme proposed during the full Union Budget 2024, following the third-term victory of the … Read more

NPS Vatsalya vs Long-term equity funds vs Children MFs: In which segment will you get maximum returns?

NPS Vatsalya vs Long-term equity funds vs Children MFs: In which segment will you get maximum returns?

Mutual fund investment: Since the introduction of NPS Vatsalya, many have been speaking about long-term investment plans, which extends for decades and can offer a multicrore asset on maturity. NPS Vatsalya, which is similar to the National Pension System, and equity MFs, or children mutual funds, are important tools for long-term wealth creation. Choosing the most … Read more

How financial planning, risk profile changes with age? Mrin Agarwal explains

How financial planning, risk profile changes with age?  Mrin Agarwal explains

Mrin Agarwal, Founder, Director, Finsafe, says “there are conservative, moderate and aggressive risk profiles. Someone who is aggressive means that they want their money to grow and they are willing to take a lot of risks to get their money to grow. Someone who is conservative means that they do not want to take risk … Read more