Germany nationalizes its biggest natural gas importer | CNN Business

Germany nationalizes its biggest natural gas importer | CNN Business

Berlin/London CNN Business  —  Germany is nationalizing Uniper, its biggest importer of natural gas, as part of an €8 billion ($7.9 billion) plan to prevent an energy shortage this winter. Europe has been hit by soaring natural gas and electricity prices as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its throttling of gas supplies. … Read more

US consumer spending rose in August as gas prices fell | CNN Business

US consumer spending rose in August as gas prices fell | CNN Business

CNN Business  —  Another month of falling gas prices gave Americans’ wallets a bit of a reprieve in August. That sent consumers back to stores last month. The Census Bureau reported Thursday that a key measure of August US retail sales rose unexpectedly by 0.3% on a monthly basis, following a revised decrease of 0.4% … Read more

The UK is preparing a huge energy bailout that could cost $175 billion | CNN Business

The UK is preparing a huge energy bailout that could cost $175 billion | CNN Business

London CNN Business  —  The United Kingdom’s new prime minister is reportedly preparing to commit as much as £150 billion ($172 billion) to shield households and businesses from soaring energy bills, increasing government borrowing at a time when investors are already on edge about the country’s finances. Liz Truss, who earlier this week succeeded Boris … Read more

Boris Johnson is handing his successor an economic ‘catastrophe’ | CNN Business

Boris Johnson is handing his successor an economic ‘catastrophe’ | CNN Business

London CNN Business  —  Across the United Kingdom, businesses and households are warning that they won’t make it through the winter without help from the government. That sets up enormous challenges for the incoming prime minister, who will be announced this week. For months, the United Kingdom has endured a leadership vacuum while the country … Read more

These were the best and worst places for air quality in 2021, new report shows | CNN

These were the best and worst places for air quality in 2021, new report shows | CNN

CNN  —  Air pollution spiked to unhealthy levels around the world in 2021, according to a new report. The report by IQAir, a company that tracks global air quality, found that average annual air pollution in every country — and 97% of cities — exceeded the World Health Organization’s air quality guidelines, which were designed … Read more

Not only is Lake Powell’s water level plummeting because of drought, its total capacity is shrinking, too | CNN

Not only is Lake Powell’s water level plummeting because of drought, its total capacity is shrinking, too | CNN

CNN  —  Lake Powell, the second-largest human-made reservoir in the US, has lost nearly 7% of its potential storage capacity since 1963, when Glen Canyon Dam was built, a new report shows. In addition to water loss due to an intense multiyear drought, the US Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation report found, Lake … Read more

Big-box stores could help slash emissions and save millions by putting solar panels on roofs. Why aren’t more of them doing it? | CNN

Big-box stores could help slash emissions and save millions by putting solar panels on roofs. Why aren’t more of them doing it? | CNN

CNN  —  As the US attempts to wean itself off its heavy reliance on fossil fuels and shift to cleaner energy sources, many experts are eyeing a promising solution: your neighborhood big-box stores and shopping malls. The rooftops and parking lot space available at retail giants like Walmart, Target and Costco is massive. And these … Read more

Turkey’s earthquake caused $34 billion in damage. It could cost Erdogan the election | CNN

Turkey’s earthquake caused $34 billion in damage. It could cost Erdogan the election | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, a three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here. Abu Dhabi, UAE CNN  —  The devastating earthquake that hit Turkey on February 6 killed at least 45,000 people, rendered millions homeless across almost a dozen cities … Read more