Best practices to protect Healthcare IoT devices from cyberattacks – ET HealthWorld

best practices to protect healthcare iot devices from cyberattacks

by Ramneek KalraIEEE Member The current pandemic has not only put the healthcare industry at the forefront, but it has also given a significant boost to digitisation in this sector by introducing and improving the quality of e-health services in the country. A recent IEEE survey of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Technology Officers … Read more

Assistive Devices for Elderly People

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At first, Piyushi Dhir, who lives with her parents and grandparents in Ontario, Canada, noticed that her grandfather took longer to get off the couch. Over time, he would need a hand. Dhir worried about him falling. She bought him a portable standing aid, a freestanding rail that he could use for stability as he … Read more

How Mobile Devices Can Modernize India’s Healthcare System to Improve the Quality of Patient Care – ET HealthWorld

how mobile devices can modernize india s healthcare system to improve the quality of patient care

By George Pepes, APAC Vertical Solutions Lead, Healthcare, Zebra Technologies No other technology has advanced human lives like mobile devices have over the last few decades, whether it is connecting us with friends and family via the internet, making cross-continent, face-to- face meetings a reality, or having an entire library of information at your fingertips. … Read more