Pending salaries: mazdoors working with Forest department goes on indefinite strike in Kannur

Pending salaries: mazdoors working with Forest department goes on indefinite strike in Kannur

Residents along fringes of forests facing elephant and wildlife threats are likely to face more problems, with mazdoors (watchers) in the Forest department beginning their indefinite strike in the district on Tuesday. The strike has been organised by AITUC in front of Kottiyur-Kandppunam Forest department office and Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary Vayanchal office demanding immediate payment … Read more

Highways Department asks contractors to re-lay cold-milled roads immediately

Highways Department asks contractors to re-lay cold-milled roads immediately

The re-laying work is done only during night between 11.30 p.m. and 5 a.m. Photo: Special arrangement The Highways Department has asked contractors to speed up re-laying of roads that have been cold-milled. At present, stretches on Poonamallee High Road and Anna Salai are being re-laid by scrapping off the top layer. The instruction was … Read more

Department of School Education and Literacy bans plastic in schools in Karnataka

Department of School Education and Literacy bans plastic in schools in Karnataka

The Department of School Education and Literacy has banned the use of plastic items in educational institutions in the State. Despite the ban on single-use plastic coming into effect in 2016, such items continue to be used in schools and educational institutions. In addition, schools and educational institutions were also found using bouquets and books … Read more

Karnataka Education Minister directs department to introduce 10 minutes of ‘dhyana’ in schools and PU colleges

Karnataka Education Minister directs department to introduce 10 minutes of ‘dhyana’ in schools and PU colleges

The Minister says it will help children concentrate better, but critics say the move is agenda-driven The Minister says it will help children concentrate better, but critics say the move is agenda-driven Karnataka’s Minister for School Education and Literacy B.C. Nagesh has issued a circular directing the Department of Public Instruction to mandate 10 minutes … Read more

CM wants temple corridor projects in Karnataka too, seeks report from Muzrai Department

CM wants temple corridor projects in Karnataka too, seeks report from Muzrai Department

Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai wants to emulate the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor in Varanasi and Mahakal Lok Corridor in Ujjain, says Minister Sashikala Jolle Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai wants to emulate the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor in Varanasi and Mahakal Lok Corridor in Ujjain, says Minister Sashikala Jolle Karnataka Minister for Muzrai, Wakf and Haj Shashikala Jolle … Read more

Taxi aggregators in Bengaluru continue auto services overlooking Transport Department order

Taxi aggregators in Bengaluru continue auto services overlooking Transport Department order

Taxi aggregators were asked to stop services with effect from Wednesday. Meanwhile, one of the aggregators is said to be approaching the High Court against the department’s dictum Taxi aggregators were asked to stop services with effect from Wednesday. Meanwhile, one of the aggregators is said to be approaching the High Court against the department’s … Read more

Union Territory health department places order for 205 computers for government hospitals – ET HealthWorld

Union Territory health department places order for 205 computers for government hospitals – ET HealthWorld

Chandigarh: As tele consultation has gained momentum after Covid-19, the city is getting geared up to offer tele consultation both on health and wellness centres and subsequently at home. The UT health department has placed an order for 205 computers to connect all the health and wellness centres with the three civil hospitals in sectors … Read more

Justice Department Asks Supreme Court to Block Texas Abortion Law

us supreme court

Oct. 19, 2021 The Department of Justice has filed a brief requesting the U.S. Supreme Court temporarily block a highly restrictive abortion law in Texas. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. has asked officials in Texas to file a response to the Justice Department by noon Thursday, meaning the High Court may act more … Read more