Israel’s PM pitches fiber optic cable idea to link Asia and the Middle East to Europe

Israel’s PM pitches fiber optic cable idea to link Asia and the Middle East to Europe

PM  Benjamin Netanyahu floated the idea of building infrastructure projects such as a fiber optic cable linking countries in Asia and the Arabian Peninsula with Europe through Israel and Cyprus. | file photo | Photo Credit: AP Israel’s Prime Minister on Sunday floated the idea of building infrastructure projects such as a fiber optic cable … Read more

First dismissed as lab error, ‘Deltacron’ cases pop up in the UK

First dismissed as lab error, ‘Deltacron’ cases pop up in the UK

Initially dismissed as a lab error, a hybrid of the Omicron and Delta strains may be real. British health officials have identified a patient diagnosed with both Delta and Omicron, called ‘Deltacron‘, according to the UK Health Security Agency’s weekly variant surveillance report. However, it is not clear if it was imported or originated in … Read more