New Zealand cyclone fatalities reach 8; more deaths feared

New Zealand cyclone fatalities reach 8; more deaths feared

A house is surrounded by debris and floodwater in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, on February 17, 2023. | Photo Credit: AP The death toll from New Zealand’s cyclone reached eight on Friday with more than 4,500 people still unaccounted for four days after the nation’s most destructive weather event in decades brought widespread flooding, landslides … Read more

New Zealand city grinds to halt as deluge from cyclone looms

New Zealand city grinds to halt as deluge from cyclone looms

Wellington: Auckland residents hunkered down Monday as they braced for a deluge from Cyclone Gabrielle, two weeks after a record-breaking storm swamped New Zealand‘s largest city and killed four people. Much of Auckland ground to a halt as train services were cancelled, libraries and most schools were closed, and authorities asked people to make only … Read more