Can Marijuana or CBD Help With My Crohn’s Disease?

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If you’re in treatment and still dealing with symptoms of your Crohn’s disease, it’s reasonable to ask whether any alternative therapies might help. Two related options that have become increasingly popular recently are marijuana and CBD. Both come from different varieties of a plant known as Cannabis sativa, or just cannabis. People also call the … Read more

How Alcohol Affects Crohn’s Disease and the Medicines You Take to Treat It

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SOURCES: Mayo Clinic: “Crohn’s disease.” Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation: “Malnutrition & IBD,” “Substance Abuse,” “What Should I Eat?” Garth Swanson, MD, associate professor of medicine; director, Crohn’s and Colitis Center, Rush University Medical Center. Digestion: “Is Moderate Red Wine Consumption Safe in Inactive Inflammatory Bowel Disease?” Lab Tests Online: “Calprotectin.” Harvard Medical School: “Leaky … Read more

Voices of Crohn’s Disease

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Around the World With Crohn’s Crohn’s hit Erron Maxey suddenly in 2009, about halfway into his 18-year career playing pro basketball abroad. A bout of food poisoning in Argentina seemed to trigger it. “Actually, the whole team got food poisoning,” says Maxey, who also has played in Australia, Finland, China, and … Read more