How does coronavirus travel from one person to another? Here’s what researchers say

How does coronavirus travel from one person to another? Here’s what researchers say

Researchers, officials, and health experts have come up with a different theory on transmission and ways in which coronavirus travels from one body to another. Covid-19: Various theories regarding the covid transmission panned out ever since the virus broke in the Chinese city of Wuhan. China is asking people to wear face masks and gloves … Read more

Global number of new COVID-19 cases increased sharply by 71% during week December 27- January 2: WHO

Global number of new COVID-19 cases increased sharply by 71% during week December 27- January 2: WHO

As of January 2, a total of nearly 289 million cases and over 5.4 million deaths have been reported globally, the update by the World Health Organisation said. United Nations/Geneva, Jan 6 (PTI) The number of new COVID-19 cases increased exponentially by 71 per cent globally during the week December 27-January 2 as compared to … Read more