Barack Obama tests positive for COVID-19, says he’s ‘feeling fine’

Barack Obama tests positive for COVID-19, says he’s ‘feeling fine’

”I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise,” Obama said on Twitter on Sunday. ”Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted.” Former US President Barack Obama has said he tested positive for the coronavirus, though he’s feeling relatively healthy and his wife, Michelle, tested negative. ”I’ve … Read more

US Air Force approves 9 religious exemptions for COVID vaccine

covid 19 vaccination

The nine approved so far represent just a tiny fraction of the more than 6,400 requested by Air Force troops, and they come as other service members are challenging the lack of religious exemptions in court cases. The Air Force became the second military service to approve religious exemptions to the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine, granting … Read more