Schools to reopen, night curfew to be lifted in Bihar as COVID situation improves

COVID 19 surge

Government offices, functioning with 50 per cent attendance, will now run normally and other visitors to these premises will also be allowed, though entry will be given to only those who have been vaccinated. With the COVID-19 surge showing a significant drop in Bihar, the Nitish Kumar government on Sunday decided to reopen schools, lift … Read more

Delta a Concern on Campus: Back to College Amid COVID Surge

Aug. 9, 2021 – The Biden administration has announced initiatives to promote the safety of in-person college and university this fall as COVID-19 case rates surge across the country. A Vax to School College Checklist, adding COVID-19 vaccination discussions to sports physicals, and launching a Week of Action to promote vaccination among young people … Read more

Bihar Polls: State explores ways to get more people to vote safely amid Covid


Patna: The Bihar government is trying to increase voter turnout in the upcoming assembly election without letting its guard down in the fight against Covid-19, a stiff challenge especially since public activities have increased because of election campaigning and the ongoing festive season. “Definitely festivals and elections increase public activities and these are bound to … Read more