Trained sniffer dogs may accurately detect Covid infected airport passengers: Study

Trained sniffer dogs may accurately detect Covid infected airport passengers: Study

Trained sniffer dogs can accurately detect airport passengers infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a study published in the journal BMJ Global Health. This method of detection is likely to be valuable, not only in the early stages of a pandemic when other resources might not yet be available, but also … Read more

COVID-19 Control: Scale-up and detection of asymptomatic carriers crucial to flattening the curve

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However, as numbers have been rising and community spread has taken over, contact tracing is no more the answer. By Dr Sudha Rao COVID-19 control: A global pandemic, COVID-19 has been a blip for most generations that are currently alive. Its unprecedented scale and the challenges that it has posed alongside globalisation, have taken the … Read more