This hill station in Tamil Nadu achieved 100 per cent covid-19 vaccination; other spiritual towns to follow suit shortly


The district health officials were asked to take steps to hold vaccination camps for students, teachers and other staffs Kodaikanal, a quaint hill station in Tamil Nadu has accomplished the milestone of 100 percent vaccinating its population against Covid-19. The Tamil Nadu Minister for Medical and Family Welfare Ma Subramaniam informed the same during the … Read more

Covid-19 vaccination India update: Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Punjab yet to reach 50% vaccine coverage

COVID 19 vaccination India mock drill 2

Citing the case of Chhattisgarh that has clocked the figure of vaccinating about 78 percent of its targeted health workers despite not having a sound health infra like Tamil Nadu and Delhi, the official said that the states which have planned their vaccination sessions are faring well. Covid-19 vaccination drive India update: One month after … Read more