Reserve ICU beds for COVID-19 patients: Healthcare providers seek roll back of Delhi govt order

Reserve ICU beds for COVID-19 patients: Healthcare providers seek roll back of Delhi govt order

He also said that it would have been apt for the government to hold consultation with the association before passing the orders. The Association of Healthcare Providers of India (AHPI) has requested the Delhi government headed by Arvind Kejriwal to roll back the order passed for the private hospitals in the city to reserve 80 … Read more

Covid-19: Several cities are running out of hospital space

Covid-19: Several cities are running out of hospital space

He also spoke of the steps taken to increase the supply of PPE kits, N-95 masks and ventilators. The surge in Covid-19 infections, from 2.5 million a month ago to 4.9 million on September 14, has meant that, once again, several cities in the country could be running short of critical health infrastructure and need … Read more