Coronavirus in Delhi: Delhi CM Kejriwal announces weekend lockdown, check details

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The national capital recorded a total of 17,282 new cases of Coronavirus and over 100 Covid-19 related casualties on Wednesday. (Credit ANI) In the wake of unprecedented rise in the number of Coronavirus cases in Delhi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced weekend lockdown in the national capital today. The announcement was made by Kejriwal … Read more

Significant dip in Covid-19 spread in Delhi; high death rate and impending New Year celebrations a concern

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After taking into account the total number of tests conducted in the city and new infections since the eve of Christmas, the positivity rate of infections is only about 1 percent. (Representative image) Significant dip in COVID-19 spread in Delhi! The national capital which has gone through multiple waves of Coronavirus has only been reporting … Read more

Coronavirus in Delhi: As Covid-19 cases plummet, vacant beds show an increase by 30 per cent


As the cases of Coronavirus in the national capital have started decreasing over the last few days, the availability of hospital beds for Coronavirus patients have shown an uptick by as many as 30 percent, the Indian Express reported. Out of a total of 18,691 beds spread across the 134 hospitals in the city, about … Read more

Delhi increased RT-PCR testing only after court’s prodding, many lives were lost: High Court

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The bench immediately said that the increase in the number of tests had come at the cost paid by people who have lost their lives in this month. Delhi High Court raises concerns over handling of Coronavirus in the capital city! In a sharp criticism of the handling of Coronavirus by the Delhi government, the … Read more

Coronavirus in Delhi: Patients ignoring mild symptoms initially are rushing to hospitals later, according to doctors

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Many of the patients who had reached the hospital were suffering from involvement of lungs, nervous system, heart and blood vessels, he added. With an increasing number of Coronavirus cases in the national capital, doctors across the city have flagged the high number of patients who initially ignore the mild symptoms and later have to … Read more

Coronavirus in Delhi: With record over 7,000 cases surge on Friday, city’s private, govt hospitals face ICU bed crunch

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The AIIMS trauma centre which has a total capacity of 50 beds also has only five ICU beds vacant at the moment. With Delhi becoming the biggest contributor to the country’s Covid-19 tally with over 7,000 cases getting reported on Friday in the city, the capital’s hospitals have started facing the ICU beds crunch, the … Read more

Coronavirus in Delhi: Over 55 per cent of under-40 age group who died of Covid had no co-morbidity

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Out of the total deaths recorded during the period between March and September, only 12 per cent belong to the age group of 40 years and less. (Reuters image) Coronavirus deaths in Delhi: More than half of the age group of under-40 years who were succumbed to highly contagious Coronavirus in Delhi, did not have … Read more

No more posters outside homes of confirmed COVID-19 cases, here’s why

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The government also decided that the existing posters will also be taken down across the city. In a major decision, the Delhi government officials have decided to abolish the practice of putting up posters outside the homes of confirmed positive cases of Coronavirus. The decision was reportedly taken as many symptomatic patients were understood to … Read more

Coronavirus in Delhi: No decision reached on opening cinema halls, swimming pools and organising Ram Leela during Navratri

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. However the modalities of the sero survey including the sample size remain to be determined. Delhi government is yet to decide on opening cinema theatres and swimming pools! According to a report in IE, a decision could not be made at the meeting of the Delhi Disaster Management Authority which was convened on Tuesday. … Read more

Covid-19 in Delhi: Expert committee suggests increased focus on rural pockets

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The officials also said that testing has been ramped up for the special surveillance group and people who test positive are immediately isolated. In the wake of the rising number of Coronavirus cases in Delhi, a revised strategy has been formulated ‘by an expert committee to contain the spread of the virus in the national … Read more