Autopsy reveals Matthew Perry’s cause of death

Autopsy reveals Matthew Perry’s cause of death

‘Friends’ star Matthew Perry, 54, died from the acute effects of ketamine, according to the toxicology report from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office. Contributing factors in Perry’s death included drowning, coronary artery disease and the effects of buprenorphine (used to treat opioid use disorder), Variety reported. Perry had been undergoing ketamine infusion therapy … Read more

Coronary Artery Disease: A Champion Swimmer’s Story

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By Trip Hedrick, as told to Janie McQueen One day in 2000, at age 46, I was in the pool doing a hard set when a jolt of chest pain and radiating arm pain stopped me cold. I’ve been swimming most of my life — I was a member of U.S. Masters Swimming for more … Read more

Coronary Artery Disease: Reboot Your Eating Habits

Michael Capalbo used to subsist mostly on meals in restaurants and takeouts. “I just thought I was immortal,” says the 54-year-old Connecticut salesman. “I was literally living on burgers and wings and pizza and stuff like that.” Then in April of 2020, while at work at Walgreens, Capalbo had a massive heart attack caused by … Read more

Coronary Artery Disease, Judgment, and Interrogation

Carolyn Thomas of Victoria, Canada, was out for a morning walk in 2008 when “out of the blue,” the 58-year-old felt sick. Pain engulfed the center of her chest and radiated down her left arm. She was nauseous and sweaty. The emergency room doctor ran a few heart tests, then told Thomas: “You’re in the … Read more

How to Deal With the Emotional Impact of Coronary Artery Disease

Bill Sylvester has known most of his life that his heart could one day give him trouble. His family’s history of heart disease goes back at least three generations. His mother, three uncles, and two grandparents all died of the illness before age 65. Sylvester, a 63-year-old custom baseball bat maker in Big Bear, CA, … Read more

Are Food and Fitness Enough to Fight Coronary Artery Disease?

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Jill Shook was 32, a long-time runner who worked out regularly and ate a healthy diet when a year ago she received a diagnosis she never expected: coronary artery disease (CAD). The shock started with her annual physical, where her doctor discovered that her cholesterol was very high. Shook, a speech language pathologist and business … Read more

What Heart Bypass Surgery Is Really Like

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By Ralph Lee, as told to Barbara Brody I’ve always thought of myself as an athlete. I played basketball at Xavier University in the 1980s and was inducted into the school’s hall of fame. So when I found myself struggling to walk up a hill 2 years ago, I knew something was off. My wife … Read more

Why Experts Don’t Recommend Supplements for Coronary Artery Disease

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People who have coronary artery disease (CAD), or who are trying to avoid it, often ask their doctors whether dietary supplements could help. Unfortunately, research suggests that supplements — that is vitamins, minerals, herbs, and certain food extracts — can’t prevent or improve CAD, the most common type of heart disease. And, in some cases, … Read more

Some Psoriasis Meds May Also Help Prevent Heart Disease

TUESDAY, Sept. 15, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Biologic therapy for the skin condition psoriasis may reduce patients’ risk of heart disease, new research suggests. Chronic inflammation in people with psoriasis is associated with the development of plaque in heart arteries, which increases the risk of coronary artery disease. In biologic therapy, patients receive protein-based … Read more