IIT-M researchers develop tool to detect glioblastoma, a malignant tumour of the brain, spinal cord

IIT-M researchers develop tool to detect glioblastoma, a malignant tumour of the brain, spinal cord

  Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) have developed a machine learning-based computational tool to detect malignant tumours in the brain and spinal cord. Called glioblastoma mutiform drivers (GBMDriver), the tool is available publicly online. Glioblastoma is a fast and aggressively growing tumour with limited therapeutic options and a survival rate of … Read more

Spinal cord stimulation help people with diabetic neuropathy – ET HealthWorld

Spinal cord stimulation help people with diabetic neuropathy – ET HealthWorld

Minneapolis [US]: Diabetes-related nerve damage, or diabetic neuropathy, can cause discomfort and numbness, most frequently in the hands and feet, according to a new study. Painful diabetic neuropathy affects about 25 per cent of the 37 million Americans who have diabetes. “Diabetic neuropathy often results in poor quality of life, depression, anxiety and impaired sleep, … Read more

Spinal cord stimulation restores arm, hand mobility in stroke patients – ET HealthWorld

Spinal cord stimulation restores arm, hand mobility in stroke patients – ET HealthWorld

New York: US researchers have used a device that stimulates the spinal cord to restore arm and hand mobility in two stroke patients, allowing them to perform daily life activities, such as using a fork to eat a meal. The new therapy, detailed in the journal Nature Medicine, was tested in two stroke patients with … Read more

Finding Meaning and Joy After Spinal Cord Injury

Finding Meaning and Joy After Spinal Cord Injury

Aug. 26, 2022 – Preethi Srinivasan was an 18-year-old with a bright future in sports and academics. A state-level medalist in swimming, she was also a proficient cricket player and dreamed of representing her native India in cricket. Her academic achievements were equally stellar, and she was enrolled in a 5-year MBA course in Chennai, … Read more

Medtronic India announces first procedure with Intellis spinal cord stimulation platform – ET HealthWorld

Medtronic India announces first procedure with Intellis spinal cord stimulation platform – ET HealthWorld

Mumbai: Medtronic Private Limited announced the first clinical procedure in India with the Intellis spinal cord stimulation (SCS) platform. The stimulator is the world’s smallest SCS device for the management of certain types of chronic intractable pain. The first intellis device for a patient in India was implanted at the Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre, … Read more

Spinal Cord Implant Allows Paraplegics to Walk Again, Scientists Say

Feb. 7, 2022 Three men paralyzed with severe spinal cord injuries were able to walk again days after receiving a spinal cord implant that stimulates trunk and leg muscles — a development scientists think could have broad application as a commercial product. Scientists implanted 16-electrode devices into the epidural space on the men’s spines, between … Read more