NASA Runs X-59 Engine with Maximum Afterburner for First Time – NASA

NASA Runs X-59 Engine with Maximum Afterburner for First Time – NASA

NASA completed the first maximum afterburner engine run test on its X-59 quiet supersonic research aircraft on Dec. 12. The ground test, conducted at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California, marks a significant milestone as the X-59 team progresses toward flight. An afterburner is a component of some jet engines that generates additional … Read more

La NASA probará tecnología para medir las singulares ondas de choque del X-59 – NASA

La NASA probará tecnología para medir las singulares ondas de choque del X-59 – NASA

Read this story in English here. La NASA pronto pondrá a prueba los avances realizados en una herramienta clave para medir los singulares ‘golpes sónicos’ que su avión supersónico silencioso de investigación X-59 producirá durante el vuelo. Una sonda de detección de impactoses una sonda de datos de aire en forma cónica desarrollada con características específicas … Read more

NASA to Test Technology for X-59’s Unique Shock Wave Measurements – NASA

NASA to Test Technology for X-59’s Unique Shock Wave Measurements – NASA

NASA will soon test advancements made on a key tool for measuring the unique “sonic thumps” that its quiet supersonic X-59 research aircraft will make while flying. A shock-sensing probe is a cone-shaped air data probe developed with specific features to capture the unique shock waves the X-59 will produce. Researchers at NASA’s Armstrong Flight … Read more

NASA Instruments Will Listen for Supersonic X-59’s Quiet ‘Thump’ – NASA

NASA Instruments Will Listen for Supersonic X-59’s Quiet ‘Thump’ – NASA

NASA recently completed a series of tests to reduce risks prior to Phase 2 of its Quesst mission, which will test the ability of the X-59 experimental aircraft to make sonic booms quieter. Credits: NASA/Steve Parcel NASA’s X-59 experimental aircraft is unique – it’s designed to fly faster than the speed of sound, but without … Read more

NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft – NASA

NASA, Lockheed Martin Reveal X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft – NASA

NASA and Lockheed Martin formally debuted the agency’s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft Friday. Using this one-of-a-kind experimental airplane, NASA aims to gather data that could revolutionize air travel, paving the way for a new generation of commercial aircraft that can travel faster than the speed of sound. “This is a major accomplishment made possible only … Read more

NASA’s X-59 Rollout Embodies Aeronautical Tradition – NASA

NASA’s X-59 Rollout Embodies Aeronautical Tradition – NASA

Lee esta historia en español aquí. NASA’s X-59 aircraft is heading out of the hangar – preparing to embark on the first phase of its mission to fly faster than the speed of sound without generating a loud sonic boom. Leadership from NASA and prime contractor Lockheed Martin will officially unveil the fully completed and … Read more

NASA Invites You to X-59 Rollout Watch Party – NASA

NASA Invites You to X-59 Rollout Watch Party – NASA

It’s almost time for NASA’s supersonic X-59 airplane to make its red, white, and blue public debut, and you’re invited to join friends and family in taking a front-row, virtual VIP seat to the rollout ceremony in the California high desert. As a historic milestone in aviation history, NASA is encouraging people across the nation … Read more