CSI Church declares support for farmers protest

CSI Church declares support for farmers protest

The Church of South India (CSI) Madhya Kerala Diocese has declared its support for the ongoing protest by farmers in Delhi. In a statement, Bishop Malayil Sabu Koshy Cherian, chairman of the CSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Department of Ecological Concerns, demanded immediate action to address the concerns raised by the protesting farmers. “Our commitment to … Read more

Northeast Christian body UCFNEI pained by church demolitions

Northeast Christian body UCFNEI pained by church demolitions

GUWAHATI The United Christian Forum of North East India (UCFNEI) has expressed anguish over the demolition of three churches in Manipur and the alleged manhandling of two church elders from Meghalaya who attended post-Easter celebrations in Bihar’s Patna. On April 11, the Manipur government razed three churches – one each of Catholic, Baptist and Lutheran … Read more

U.S. sues broker for selling data that could track church, health clinic visits – ET HealthWorld

U.S. sues broker for selling data that could track church, health clinic visits – ET HealthWorld

Washington: The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Monday sued Idaho-based data broker Kochava Inc for selling geolocation data from hundreds of millions of mobile devices that could be used to track consumers. The FTC said consumer data could be used to trace people’s movements to and from sensitive locations including “reproductive health clinics, places of … Read more

Church Requires COVID Vaccination for in-Person Service

Aug. 13, 2021 — One Atlanta church says you must have proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter the building. The only exception is a doctor’s note explaining why you can’t get the vaccine. On Aug. 1, Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church had its first in-person Sunday service since March 2020. The 107-year-old church … Read more